
MUSO DISCOVER: Analyzing Opening Demand for TV Seasons

MUSO's Opening Demand module provides a unique lens into audience preferences by focusing on demand during the first 30 days after a title’s release. This approach ensures fair comparisons between newly released titles and those released months or even years earlier,...

Film/ Television

Monthly Film And TV piracy Insights - February 2023

MUSO’s data provides deep insights into audience demand for film and TV content across both unlicensed streaming and torrent networks. Our data platform, MUSO Discover, is widely used by the entertainment industry to find, commission and acquire content by revealing a more...

Film/ Article/ Television

Piracy data and audience demand in the Film and TV industries

Piracy on the rise

Film/ Television

Why festive film piracy drives demand on what is arguably the world’s biggest VoD platform

It’s hardly surprising that we love to watch seasonal films at Christmas. Studies have shown that watching Christmas movies releases dopamine which generates feelings of pleasure and satisfaction which we translate into happiness. Films like It’s a Wonderful Life, Home Alone

Film/ Television

Weekly Data Insights, 10th October 2022

MUSO’s data provides deep insights into audience demand for film and TV content across unlicensed streaming and torrent networks. Our data platform, MUSO Discover, is used by the entertainment industry to discover, commission and acquire content by revealing the real...

Film/ Television

Piracy Data Overview January 2022 to August 2022

MUSO measures visits to the entire piracy eco-system for desktop and mobile visits as well as tracking direct piracy consumption on over 388,000 TV and film titles across both the torrent network and unlicensed streaming websites.

Film/ Television

Winter is Coming: The Bonfire of the Subscriptions

As the global economy struggles and household budgets are squeezed, MUSO CEO & Co-Founder Andy Chatterley reviews the impact of the current economic turbulence on TV subscriptions.


Monthly TV Data Insights - May 2022

MUSO measures piracy consumption on over 200,000 TV and film titles across both the torrent network and unlicensed streaming websites. In this article, MUSO’s insights team highlights some of the trends observed in our recent TV piracy audience data.

Film/ Article/ Television

MUSO Discover Q1 2022 Digital Piracy Data Insights

MUSO’s Piracy by Industry dataset measures industry-level piracy demand for film, TV, music, software and publishing content across a wide range of piracy sites that include streaming, torrent, web download and stream ripping sites. This article highlights some of the...


Monthly TV Data Insights - August 2021

In this article, MUSO’s data insights team highlights trends observed in the most recent TV piracy audience data.

Film/ Article/ Television/ Press Release


As the global authority in digital piracy, MUSO will be at MIPCOM. Chris Elkins, Co-founder & Chief Strategy Officer and Chris Anderson, Head of Film & TV, will be there to demonstrate how MUSO piracy data can drive value, provide insight and help protect digital content.

Film/ Article/ Television/ Press Release

Choosing Shoes or Subscriptions?

As featured on Forbes.