24/7 Automatic Piracy Protection for Indie Creators
Automatically scan the web for pirated versions of your content. Remove infringing links with a single click and track progress via a centralised dashboard.

Every customer is vital when it comes to sustaining the ecosystem of a self-published creator. Each piece of content deserves to be protected. MUSO's automated 24/7 anti-piracy protection for authors, musicians and producers takes the stress out of protecting your precious content.
See how MUSO protect works

We quickly discover and reduce piracy with automated 24/7 protection.

We automatically scan for new piracy allowing you more time for creating.
We automatically issue DMCA takedown notices to infringing websites.
How does MUSO work?
MUSO provides content protection services for independent content creators including self published authors, musicians and producers. We scan the web for your files and crawl global piracy domains and search engines matching potential piracy files. Using a combination of technology and piracy experts, we verify and send a notice for all infringements. We also provide dynamic reporting and detailed updates via a centralised dashboard.
Can MUSO remove all piracy?
It is impossible to eradicate all piracy; non-compliant sites can be unresponsive to DMCA notices and that is beyond the control of a piracy vendor. Secondly, new piracy sites are often created. MUSO can however greatly reduce the effects of piracy and give you peace of mind that our system is working 24/7 to protect your content and mitigate the impacts of these infringements.
How does piracy affect authors/indie creators?
Digital piracy creates a significant negative impact on everyone in the distribution chain, including content creators, publishers, retailers, distributors, and consumers. Each year, the creative industries lose hundreds of millions of dollars in lost sales to piracy—and with each lost sale, creators lose royalty income. According to the Author’s guild, there is a clear correlation between the decline in author’s income and the growth of digital piracy and as Forbes states, independent musicians are hit hardest by piracy.
Does your service protect copyright globally?
Yes, our crawler scans MUSO's database of piracy sites irrespective of location or region. New domains are being continuously added to this database as new sites are created.
Am I able to submit any links I find myself?
For instances where piracy exists but it has not yet been automatically picked up, all clients can manually report infringing URLs that they might encounter. This feature was specifically designed for this purpose, to give users more control and peace of mind for their content when it comes to sending takedown notices and to cover results that might be missed by our crawlers.
How does the auto-takedown feature work?
MUSO’s auto-takedown feature is available in every account which, when activated, takes care of automatically sending a DMCA takedown notice for those links which meet a certain criteria, in an effort to ease the pressure on our clients to review all discovered links and to have a quick reaction in addressing them. When the crawler finds results that are an exact match to your product, it will send a take down automatically. For the remaining links which may be considered infringing but not an exact match by our system, you will have to manually verify the links to check if they are infringing in any way and send a takedown for them or ignore them.
What is the time frame from detection of my content to removal from a piracy site?
The timeline is very much dependent on where we find the content and whether the site is compliant or not. File removal on compliant sites can take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks, depending on the sites' internal procedures when responding to a DMCA notice. Google links can take up to two weeks to be removed by Google as they receive thousands of removal requests.
Can MUSO remove piracy on social media?
MUSO's self managed service for authors scans the piracy landscape exclusively, social media and UGC sites fall outside of this category and therefore cannot be scanned as they are legal platforms. However, if you come across any infringing social media links, you can add them to your campaign and send a takedown after they have been verified by our team. MUSO does offer additional social media scanning across its automated & premium services (for an additional fee).
MUSO Price Plans
For Authors and Publishers
Protect the books you need on a month by month basis
Cancel anytime
Automatically scans for new piracy 24/7
Add and drop titles as needed, monthly
Monitor the piracy around your new releases
See all piracy activity in one, live dashboard
Protect all your books
Includes the complete catalogue of an individual author
Automatically scans for new piracy 24/7
Automatically scans across the piracy ecosystem and search engines
Automatically removes infringing content
Sign up and activate in less than 5 minutes
See all piracy activity in one, live dashboard
All the features of monthly per author protection at a discounted rate for annual protection paid in advance
For Musicians and Indie Labels
Protect the tracks you need on a month by month basis
Cancel anytime
Automatically scans for new piracy 24/7
Add and drop tracks as needed, monthly
Monitor the piracy around your new releases
See all piracy activity in one, live dashboard
Protect album by album on a month by month basis
Cancel anytime
Automatically scans for new piracy 24/7
Monitor the piracy around your new releases
See all piracy activity in one, live dashboard
entire catalogue
Protect an artist's entire catalogue on a month by month basis
Cancel anytime
Automatically scans for new piracy 24/7
Monitor the piracy around your new releases
See all piracy activity in one, live dashboard
MUSO Protect
Automated 24/7 digital content protection for content creators. Intelligent, Targeted, Efficient.
MUSO Protect is the best-in-class automated content protection system.
Powered by advanced technology and underpinned by MUSO's unrivalled analysis and categorisation of the piracy ecosystem, MUSO has protected content for some of the world's largest rights-holders in all media sectors for over a decade.
"My first published book, Saving Ella, was found on a piracy site within 24 hours of going live. It broke my heart that someone found something so incredibly important to me of such little value as to steal it and give it away."
Kirsty Dallas
Author of Decker's Wood, Amazon Best Seller and Goodreads Top 10 Comed